This release has quite a few things under the hood, including:
- QuickBooks Online, allowing you to synchronize invoices, clients, and payments with your QuickBooks account.This is not on by default, and we’re looking for a couple firms that want to use it and provide feedback.If you’re interested, please contact support and request access.
- Cleaner Tables! We’ve streamlined the pages for People, Matters, Invoices, and Time to give you cleaner data and less left<->right scrolling. Matters with more than 2 clients, or more than 1 subcategory will have a hoverover that shows you all the details.
- Time charts for matters: You can now open a matter, go to Time, and see at a glance how much time has been billed vs not, as well as how much time is across different categories (billable, non billable, etc)
- Simpler balance card, which hides some of the rarer balances if they’re $0, like pending totals.
- When you’re editing an invoice, we now have a “Save and Approve” button to simplify your approval process. No more saving, going to the action … icon, and hitting approve!
- If trust accounts have $0 of trust, you won’t be prompted to apply funds when you’re approving invoices
- Fixes an annoying bug where you couldn’t view more than 25 invoices for a specific matter
- Invoices that have a trust transfer will only appear in the trust transfer workflow if they’ve been sent out, preventing you from rejecting an invoice but already having funds transferred
- It further finalizes our Client Portal, allowing registered clients to view their bills, make payments, and top off trust. We’re looking at a pilot with a few customers later in the month, so I’ll follow up later in the month to find any volunteers.
- Other minor fixes around punctuation in names, spelling fixes, and the standard security updates